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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default Oriental grocery stores

Andy wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes said...
>>Some Chinese, a long time ago, thought that China was the geographic & theological center "Middle" of the earth.
>>And of course the Japanese creation myths are even more regionally
>>chauvinistic than the Chinese.
>>Not only is there a tendency of the human animal to think its place is
>>the center of the universe, but, according to one theory, in an infinite
>>and eternal universe, the center is everywhere and there is no

> But on any given day, there are more important people in New York City than
> anywhere else on earth.
> That includes all the cabbies and Sabrett street hot dog vendors.
> I suggest the "center" of the earth to be moved to "...New York City???"
> Best,
> Andy

Sorry, i have it on very good authority that the The Omphalos of The
universe is in the middle of the cross streets of Channing and Telegraph
in Berkeley Ca.
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

All The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy can really do now is 'pray' that
Pres. Obama blunders just enough to discredit everything they think he
stands for and bring them back to power as a better alternative, but
that he should not blunder so badly that western civilization as we know
it comes to its inevitable end any sooner than necessary.

Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!