Steak tartare
bulka wrote:
> On Jun 4, 4:04 pm, Mack A. Damia > wrote:
>>On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 19:48:46 +0000 (UTC), PeterL >
>>>"Dimitri" > wrote in news:JpUVl.31099$Ws1.2525
>>>>That's funny I was jus thinking the same about you.
>>>That's really funny........ I was just thinking of making this sometime soon.
>>>Using eye fillet steak..... so tender you could cut it with a butter knife.
>>>I know the SO would have a go at eating the ST, I just don't think she'll be
>>>adventurous enough to go the raw egg yolk on top!!
>>There was a bar in Troy Hill near Pittsburgh that served a cannibal
>>I think it was a large melba toast round, but the bartender would
>>spread raw ground round on the toast and then dip it in chopped
>>It was delicious but could be a little hard on digestion a few hours
> For a Polish friend's birthday years ago I made ST. Found a recipie
> and everything. Good steak, anchovies. He liked it. Just for the
> hell of it, I made another, down-scale, version - hamburger,
> sardines. I liked the knock-off better. Maybe it was the extra fat.
> I'm surprised the bar could get health dept. clearance for the
> cannibal. For all my life, my dad's favorite meal was a raw
> hamburger sandwich with a thick slice of onion and a tomato eaten out-
> of-hand, with a shot and a beer. I know it is the most dangerous way
> to eat beef, but he's done it for most of his 90 years. He's got
> some health problems, but never anything food-poisoning related. I
> still keep hamburger on hand for him to snack on, but no more
> boilermakers.
> B
Since they were little, my kids have lurked around underfoot when I'm
getting ready to grill steaks. The bribe to get the heck out of my way
was/is one of my own favorite treats - a chunk of the seasoned, raw
steak carved off the main piece and seared briefly in a hot frying pan -
blue steak, essentially.
It used to shock the begeezus out of my mother. And the first time she
had my daughter over (she was probably not quite 5) and was fixing steak
and my daughter demanded the usual tribute, my mother actually called me
for permission to prepare it according to DD's instructions.