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Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. is offline
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Posts: 702
Default Pagan grocery stores

Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> blake wrote:
>>if you insist that the way people refer to themselves is wrong, that's

> Seriously? So if I refer to myself as "Priapus, Beast-God of Libido," it
> would be offensive to tell me I was wrong?
> Bob

If you expressed a preference, stated that you preferred to be referred
to as ..... then yes it would be.

At least according to certain basic social conventions as adhered to by
a large number of peoples.

Now if you expressed a preference for being referred to as something the
individual who would use the reference at your request objected to then
it would be up to them to figure out how to relate, politely to you, for
which one option would be to not do so.

There's a person in a group i read who i have filtered her posts out of
my sight because her screen name is, "Projectile Vomit Chick" and her
posting style is aptly described by it.

If i were introduced to a person that wanted to call themselves Adolph
Hitler i would probly consider their desire to do so enough evidence to
avoid them or be in any further contact with them.

Some old Jews wont drive a Mercedes, i know of at least one Italian who
wont listen to Mussolini's son play piano.

However .... Priapus Beast God of Libido would definitely generate some
interest on my part
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

Domine, dirige nos.
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