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dsi1[_3_] dsi1[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 352
Default Oriental grocery stores

Joseph Littleshoes wrote:

> Some Chinese, a long time ago, thought that China was the geographic &
> theological center "Middle" of the earth.

The Chinese do think themselves to have the superior culture and it just
might be that in the long run, they do.

> And of course the Japanese creation myths are even more regionally
> chauvinistic than the Chinese.

The Japanese will consider themselves to be superior to the Chinese and
by implication, superior to all Asians. The reality is that they only
feel this way to hide the fact that they have deep rooted feelings of
inferiority. Near as I can figure, this is because they've been living
in the shadow of this big dog China for so many centuries.

> Not only is there a tendency of the human animal to think its place is
> the center of the universe, but, according to one theory, in an infinite
> and eternal universe, the center is everywhere and there is no
> circumference.
> --
> Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
> Domine, dirige nos.
> Let the games begin!