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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Posts: 2,250
Default For Andy, Breakfast music

nospam wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> You like Tenors? Pavarotti was ok but from what I've been listening
>> to, often sang slightly off key (I have perfect pitch so can hear even
>> the slightest variation).

> Or more likely your hearing is off, and Pavarotti is on key. You just
> can't tell while you are in a drug induced stupor. You really should
> layoff the alcohol, and hallucinogens you consume all day, and night.

OTOH, you have the balls, to have a real ID, right? Feel like making a
real post? How about having a real personality.

Am I sticking up for OM? She doesn't need that. But you are without a
doubt a waste of the angries I'm having for the waste of your life.

Sorry I'm even biting the troll bait...

Go away now... don't go away mad, just go away.