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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Cooking for the child of a chef

In article >,
Bob Muncie > wrote:

> >> A chef is chief cook and bottle washer. The rest of the line cooks are
> >> likely just making him/her look good.

> >
> > Guess that makes me a chef then? I design the meals and clean up as I
> > go. <g> If I let the BIL cook in my kitchen, looks like a bomb went off
> > in there by the time he's done!
> >
> > But, I'd rather clean up after the inlaws then not have them visit. :-)
> > They most often raid my freezer for beef, and that's ok...
> >
> > I have more freezer space than they do and offer to share it. I'm
> > pleased that they are FINALLY taking me up on it!

> Your BIL deserves to be recognized. And cooking is to be sure something
> to share with family. But seriously, make him put on the apron, and wash
> the dishes too. I really don't understand the folks that say they are
> good cooks, and yet, can't keep up with cleaning the kitchen while they
> are at it. Isn't that really part of the whole package? Love the food?
> Love the kitchen?

I wish they did. <lol> I don't own a dishwasher and they do. I swear
he'd not know what to do with a pan of soapy hot water and a dish

I clean as I go so there is virtually no mess when I'm done. I use dish
washing to kill time while stuff is cooking.

I guess I need to teach him that skill next time he cooks over here.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
