For Andy, Breakfast music
nospam wrote:
> Bob Muncie wrote:
>> nospam wrote:
>> OTOH, you have the balls, to have a real ID, right?
> It is a real email address dumbass. At least I have a real nttp posting
> host instead of one like yours that is faked or encrypted to protect
> you: NNTP-Posting-Host: oojcmbbcbimknodfhfmjpppkbcbpincg
>> How about having a real personality.
> Like your supposed REAL personality. At least I have a brain unlike you.
>> Sorry I'm even biting the troll bait...
> Yeah you are sorry - a sorry cock sucking, butt kissing piece of shit.
You do realize that everyone is laughing at you... right? Not *with*
you. Just at you. You are to sad to even be funny.