Basket cheese
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Posts: 666
Basket cheese
> Every Easter I make an Italian meat pie, which has basket cheese as
> a main ingredient. I only seem to see this cheese around during the
> Easter season. Is there some other cheese that would be a suitable
> replacement for it if I wanted to make the meat pie other times
> during the year? Thanks.
If this "basket cheese" is white and has few fats, it probably is something
close to "ricotta". Do you usually find ricotta where you shop?
Ricotta is widely used in italian kitchen, it's in the filling many kinds of
filled pasta ("tortelli", "cannelloni"...), it can end up in the mix for
dumplings ("gnocchi"), is used in pies, both savoury and sweet, it is part
of the filling of many cakes, and so on.
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