Who wants cheesecake for breakfast?
blake murphy wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Jun 2009 10:08:22 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
>> blake murphy wrote:
>>> well, it seems to me i have seen recipes that didn't call for deep-frying,
>>> but rather a lengthier stir-fry with maybe a little more oil. (the recipe
>>> above doesn't call for the beans to be fried until they look a little
>>> mottled, the effect you get from deep-frying.)
>>> if you object to the hoisin, you could used some plain bean sauce, or sub
>>> some hot bean paste and a little sweet bean paste for the hoisin and
>>> crushed red pepper.
>>> something like this, maybe:
>>> <http://www.siliconeer.com/past_issues/2009/january-2009/jan09-recipe-szechuan-string-beans.html>
>>> or this:
>>> <http://www.seasonednoob.com/?p=345>
>>> your pal,
>>> blake
>> Oh, sure. I see occasional recipes that don't require deep-fat
>> frying, which is encouraging. I suppose one of my old books has a
>> recipe I can start with--if Dunlop doesn't.
> if you try it, let us know the results. i haven't done so myself.
> your pal,
> blake
Will do. That would even be doable on LC.
Jean B.