Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:02:21 -0500, Becca wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> There no way to sear this roast in a pan - way too lopsided. I did
>>> the searing in the oven at 500. I'll post pictures tomorrow (The
>>> camera is downstairs and I can't walk too well right now due to
>>> second degree burns of the bottoms of both feet).
>> My last few weeks have been rushed, so I might have missed a few
>> messages. How did you burn the bottom of your feet? Glad the rest of
>> you is okay.
> Walking and standing on hot cement all day in thin-soled shoes. My
> feet felt warm, sure, but I didn't realize they were burning.
> I had this chronic problem last summer and thought it was just from
> too much walking (and walking, and walking). Turns out it was the
> brand of shoes I just started wearing: Sketchers. They feel really
> comfortable, but suck up the heat like a sponge.
> Back to New Balance for me.
> ObFood: Fried chicken from Bill Millers. Best fried chicken I've
> had in years and wasn't breaded with covered in 11 herbs and
> chemicals.
> http://www.billmillerbbq.com/
> -sw
Good luck on the tootsies. I looked at that link for Bill Miller BBQ,
now I am starving. lol