Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> wrote:
> > The issue with Armour manteca (lard) is not its purity, which I'm sure
> > is fine, but the fact it's hydrogenated. This is "currently" a hot-button
> > issue with medical types and health nazis. Is it really all that bad?
> > Who knows. Perhaps 10 yrs from now it will be discovered it's better
> > for you than dark chocolate and red wine. :P
> And Coconut oil. <g>
Not a chance. The scientific case against coconut oil
is bulletproof. It is artery-clogging poison. Much
worse than lard.
Only a few crackpots and pseudoscientists support the
use of coconut oil as food. They do it because you can
only make a name for yourself in the popular media
in the diet and nutrition field by opposing the conventional
wisdom. You don't get on Oprah by recommending eating
a healthful diet and getting plenty of exercise. You
get on Oprah by claiming something oddball, like your
protruding belly is caused by 10 or 20 pounds of
undigested, putrifying food clinging to the inside
of your colon, full of toxins and parasites.
Recommending coconut oil is just another scam for the
nutritional hucksters. They have a story which is easily
believed by laypeople lacking a scientific education.
They'd probably advocate smoking, too, but even laypeople
know that's bad for you. Coconut oil is safer for the
self-styled health gurus because the risk is not so well
known or self-evident. The masses are easily misled,
and this is just the latest form of quackery to be fed
to them.