"Matthew L. Martin" wrote:
> Otto Bahn wrote:
> > > wrote
> >
> >> My son's 5th grade class is having a "Lock Down Party" for their
> >> "Graduation". One of the festivities they will have is a Fear Factor
> >> game where they have to spin an arrow and eat what was chosen. Lucky
> >> for me, I get to work in that booth! Hoping you will have some
> >> disgusting ideas to help aide and abet! Here are some ideas I have;
> >> Red juice with a little gelatin added to make it look like blood
> >> chocolate pate a choux piped to look like turds
> >> oysters
> >> cat food (smashed vienna sausages)
> >> sardines
> >> pickled pig's feet
> >> balut
> >> durian
> >> escargot
> >> herring in sour cream sauce
> >> I am really looking forward to this- any ideas are truly appreciated!
> > <
> > <It could be fun, but I might worry just a little about actually making
> > <ten-year olds fearful. I'm thinking that balut, specifically, could
> > <gross some of them out. -aem
> >
> > Norwegian lutefist is the grossest food on earth.
> Not even close. In the Netherlands they eat rotten fish on a stick.
Would love to know what that is called. Never encountered it in the
> Iceland, the delicacy is rotten shark meat. Lutefisk is just soaked in
> lye. No bacteria need apply.
> Matthew
Did not eat hakarl in Iceland but did have some Black Death
> --
> "You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him
> confess to the Sharon Tate murders." -- Jesse Ventura