"pavane" > wrote in message
> "PeterL" > wrote in message
> . 25...
> |
> http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/s...004581,00.html
> |
> | "Jan Brydges, who lives on a property with a vineyard in the South
> Burnett,
> | uses the harvest leftovers to make jellies. "I make grape jelly, muscat
> jelly
> | and verdelho jelly as well as a lemon grapefruit marmalade. We grow the
> | lemons and grapefruit but we also tend to swap fruit with neighbours,"
> she
> | says."
> That is really interesting.
> pavane
"The practices of our waste-not, want-not grandparents are coming back into
vogue as we search for ways to make our grocery bills shrink. Buying food in
season and in bulk is one way it used to be done, with the excess preserved
for leaner times."
Here in Utah, it's a way of life, we try to be as self sufficient as
possible - we grow, buy in bulk, stock, store, dry, can and bottle food for
emergency purposes including sharing with others who have fallen on hard
Mrs. H