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aem aem is offline
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Default Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner

On Jun 11, 3:36*pm, Chris > wrote:
> I have to bring spaghetti and meatballs (pasta separate from sauce +
> meatballs) to a dinner at my son's school tomorrow night.
> They can keep food warm, but cannot cook on a stovetop. *I'm not sure
> whether they have regular ovens, convection, or just warming ovens.
> Dinner is at 6:00; they want the food there by 5:30; it will take me
> half an hour to get there and lug my stuff in to the school. *So
> basically, I have to cook my pasta over an hour before it will be
> eaten
> So...what's the best way for me (and the other pasta volunteers) to
> keep the food hot, deliver it without hurting ourselves, and have the
> pasta not turn out mushy and totally stuck together? *They want the
> sauce separate from the pasta.
> Any ideas or experiences? *I know it's kind of late to ask, but
> figured whatever wisdom I can glean tonight will help, and anything
> that comes later will be great to know for the future.

Find out immediately if they have facilities to boil water. If so,
you can cook the pasta, drain it, toss it with a little oil, transport
it, and reheat it in boiling water. Pastorio used to claim quite
vociferously that pre-cooked, reheated pasta was great. He was blind
to reality but it gives you a guideline.

If they can't boil water for reheating purposes, I don't have any
idea. Maybe there are steam tables and you can use hot, if not
boiling water.... -aem