Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
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Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:
>> Lucky for you he wasn't planning to take a chicken peanut satay dish...
>> if might have had a seizure or something.
> Really, can't schools get themselves sufficiently organized to provide
> appropriate foods for various intolerances without ruining every meal by
> covering their butts? I'm sure that if we spent just a little less in Iraq,
> we'd have enough money to make sure that every American child eats according to
> what his/her body can handle. I know we could do it.
> Orlando
I think that's a hellafa lot of burden to place on already over worked
school districts. Although I have fond memories of cooked from scratch
lunchroom food. We might have pooh-poohed it, but i think for the most
part it was acceptable by most. It wasn't all that long ago (a couple
of generations?) that people were assumed to feed themselves and their
kids (or not as the case may be) and schools weren't all in the food
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