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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Posts: 666
Default Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner

Chris wrote:

> I have to bring spaghetti and meatballs (pasta separate from sauce +
> meatballs) to a dinner at my son's school tomorrow night.
> They can keep food warm, but cannot cook on a stovetop. I'm not sure
> whether they have regular ovens, convection, or just warming ovens.
> Dinner is at 6:00; they want the food there by 5:30; it will take me
> half an hour to get there and lug my stuff in to the school. So
> basically, I have to cook my pasta over an hour before it will be
> eaten

In a situation like that one, I'd never aim for pasta: pasta cooked an hour
before consumption has no chances of being good, no matter how you cook and
sotre it. But if this is what they want from you, I'd say... call Barilla in

60 seconds for a steaming hot dish of pasta with it's dressing, and note the
blue paper glasses... stylish:
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