Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
"Goomba" wrote:
> Orlando Enrique Fool wrote:
>> bob.muncie wrote:
>>> Lucky for you he wasn't planning to take a chicken peanut satay dish...
>>> if might have had a seizure or something.
>> Really, can't schools get themselves sufficiently organized to provide
>> appropriate foods for various intolerances without ruining every meal by
>> covering their butts? I'm sure that if we spent just a little less in
>> Iraq, we'd have enough money to make sure that every American child eats
>> according to what his/her body can handle. I know we could do it.
You haven't a clue. Kids should arrive at school already fed, given a
choice of Ensure for lunch, and eat when they arrive home... schools are not
> I think that's a hellafa lot of burden to place on already over worked
> school districts. Although I have fond memories of cooked from scratch
> lunchroom food. We might have pooh-poohed it, but i think for the most
> part it was acceptable by most. It wasn't all that long ago (a couple of
> generations?) that people were assumed to feed themselves and their kids
> (or not as the case may be) and schools weren't all in the food business.
It wasn't that parents weren't willing to feed their kids lunch, many did
send their kids to school with a lunchbox, many still do. I remember school
cafeteria lunches being as good as the best home cooking; there was beef
stew, spaghetti w/meat sauce, chicken chow mein, chicken ala king, meat
loaf, pot roast, all sorts of hearty soups, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit,
freshly baked desserts, milk, juice, etc... one of my favorites was breaded
cubed veal steak with mashed, veggies, and gravy, there were no junk foods
and the lunch room matrons made sure we ate, anyone didn't the school nurse
was apprised and the parent sent for... in the lower grades those who signed
up for hot lunch paid for the entire term in advance, in the 1940s it came
to like 35¢/week. Today's school lunches are no different from fast food
and just as costly, mostly lousy mystery meat burgers, fries, frozen mini
pizza, packaged cakes, and sugery sodas... I know for a fact that most kids
today toss their lunch in the garbage, and I can't blame them. I ate the
school hot lunches from grade school all through high school, I enjoyed
it... I especially liked the soups, not out of a can either. I don't
remember any kids who ate in the hot lunch lunchroom having food issues.
Those that did have a medical condition requiring a special diet it was
their parent's responsibility, not the school, and as it should be. And it
has not a whit to do with funding... no school, public or private, can take
responsibility for every medical condition, a school is for learning;
academic, vocational, and social skills... a school is not a hospital. I
think schools do a damn good job of monitoring student medical issues, but
they cannot incarcerate so they cannot observe and control a child 24/7... a
school can monitor a child's food intake purty darn good while school is in
session, but then they leave. Even a hospital can't watch an otherwise
healthy active kid 24/7, not even a prison can. Monitoring a kid's diet or
any other special needs) has nothing to do with schools or funding, it has
all to do with the parents... those parents who are unwilling/unable there
are special foster care agencies who will. Schools can no more force a kid
what to learn as force a kid what to eat.
I wouldn't be too concerned with school cafeteria food... better to watch
how kids share foods, taking bites out of each others food, then they come
down with all sorts of diseases. Todays kids at 10-11 kiss and swap spit,
12 year old girls are prego, and give birth to drug addicted babies. The
little brats carry knives and bring guns to school. And yoose wanna worry
about feeding them, let them eat shit!