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Gregory Morrow[_267_] Gregory Morrow[_267_] is offline
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Posts: 28
Default Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner

brooklyn1 wrote:


> I wouldn't be too concerned with school cafeteria food... better to
> watch how kids share foods, taking bites out of each others food,
> then they come down with all sorts of diseases. Todays kids at 10-11
> kiss and swap spit, 12 year old girls are prego, and give birth to
> drug addicted babies.

And these daze the kidz don't even consider fellatio "sex"...!!!

The little brats carry knives and bring guns
> to school. And yoose wanna worry about feeding them, let them eat
> shit!

Yup...some of these lil' pukes would better of in reform school.

Additionally, when I was a wee sprite (late 50's - early 60's) it was
considered a mark of shame if the parents couldn't afford the fee for the
school lunches. There was a "fund" of sorts for the really desperate, but
few took advantage of this. Even the poorest of the poor - and we had quite
a few - managed to at least bring a lunch to school, even if it only
consisted of bread and butter sammiches and an apple picked from the tree or
some such (everybody had apple trees, etc....)...anything to avoid the
stigma of not being able to provide for their kids, now matter how modest
the lunches were. Coupla times we were low on funds, my grandmother was a
school teacher and she offered to my folks to pay for our school lunches and
milk for a coupla weeks, but no go, even that modest charity was too
humiliating to consider. We ate bread and butter sammiches for a few days,
we sucked it up until things got better...

Unfortunately, the opposite is true today. Another reason that the "Great
Society" programs initiated in the 60's have not helped the poor, but in
fact have *perpetuated" poverty's vicious cycle...those social welfare
programs were/are a *great* tragedy, as they reward sloth and stifle
