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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 2,959
Default Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner

Orlando Enrique Fiol > wrote in

> Of course, healthy, well adjusted responsible
> people should ultimately set the social tone.

And how do you establish who those people are?

There is a cartoon. It's a large meeting. A banner reads PARENTS OF
AVERAGE CHILDREN. There are three people in the room.

Nobody will meet your requirements. Nobody is that healthy, well-adjusted
and responsible that they would take your job of setting the social tone.
If they are so well-adjusted etc., they will most likely tell you to go and
shove it. Then you end up with control freaks like Lou who think they can
use insults to modify human behaviour.

If it happens, let me know because I want to go as far as possible in the
opposite direction.


Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes