Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
>And who is going to write the questions, what bias will be used and what
>group of society will get to say what is good parenting and what is bad
We can have rotating committees writing up the questions with input from
community leaders and/or concerned criticize. The questions could be put up for
public referendum before signed into law for the license.
>Whose interests will they serve? Will it have a Christian
>bias? A secular bias?
The questions should be tailored to be as objective as possible and to focus on
parental responsibility's rather than specific questions of religiosity.
>Are you prepared to irritate Jains and Big Endians
>by ignoring their religious points of view in this questionnaire?
This questionnaire would have as little to do with religion as possible.
Alternatively, just as churches issue marriage licenses, different churches
could issue optional parenting licenses in place of the civil secular one.
>You cannot attempt to regulate human reproduction (let alone succeed)
>without compromising some fundamental principles.
I'd like us to try even if we fail.
>Personally, I think people should pass an exam before being allowed to post
>on Usenet, but there you are. Ain't gonna happen.
I've past mine with flying colors, baby.
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
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