(2009-06-11) NS-RFC: Food you loved to hate (as a child)
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:13:48 -0400, Dave Smith wrote:
> brooklyn1 wrote:
>> "John Kane" wrote:
>>> I always thought the canned spinnach was a joke. I
>>> certainly have never seen it on the grocery shelves.
>> You're how old... every 8 year old in Canada knows that canned spinach
>> exists... you're subscribed to a food/cooking Newsgroups and yet you imply
>> that canned spinach doesn't exist... read my lips: L I A R!
> He probably wondered because he has never seen it sold anyway. I haven't.
well, then. you must be a greasy liar of indeterminate national origin!!!!
your pal,