Sigh...Mexican restaurants going down the tubes...
Terry wrote:
> No, it's not everywhere, just here. Parts Unknown, Kentucky,
> population 15,000, about two hours from NowhereAtAll, Tennessee.
> I love Mexican, it's my first choice when we go out. Used to go to a
> little hole-in-the-wall place in town, El Tequila. Wonderful food
> (excellent chiles rellenos, my yardstick for Mexican) and you could
> order a beer with the meal.
> Sadly, that place went downhill over a fairly short time, couple of
> months or so. The last straw was a burrito with chewy beef and
> dried-up bits of unrecognizable pork. Served lukewarm.
Mexican restaurants in this area have never been very good. They offer
basically Tex Mex food like tacos, burittos, nachos and variations.
Their prices tend to be steep IMO, considering that they use basically
cheap ingredients. Our neighbours have some Mexican friends who own a
restaurant and claim to be higher end. They often bring all kinds fo
foods to the neighbour's party, but I remain unimpressed.