On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:37:09 -0700, Chuck Kopsho wrote:
> Alan,
> You don't know me, but I know a little about you and Christy. I'm
> mostly a lurker on this newsgroup. Am writing to tell you that I had
> colon cancer, I had surgery to remove about a foot of my colon, I
> learned subsequently that the surgeon didn't get it all. Now I have to
> go through a regimen of chemo, and possibility of radiation treatments.
> The oncologist said that I may have to go through this through November
> or December. I start this Tuesday. This involves going every other week
> of chemo treatments. I don't know if Christy had to go through chemo,
> but if she did what was it like for her? I'm trying to get all
> perspectives so I'll know how to deal with this.
There are plenty of oncology support groups out there. Asking TFM
for second-hand experiences after the fact here in newsgroups is
very inappropriate.