Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner
Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> m:
>> Okay, I'm tired of matters "political" for a moment, so any "kitty"
>> news at your house...???
> The dogs left today for an extended stay in Nueva York. The cats have the
> run of the household again which means they'll be able to stay out of my
> room because I have developed allergies (my eyes mostly) to cat dander when
> they were sleeping in there every night.
> The male, Calvin, had an apprentice last summer, a young male named Keden,
> who is now mature and contesting Calvin's dominance over the neighbourhood
> (it's Kronos and Ouranos all over again). Keden is the cat of our second
> neighbour over. Every now and then either Calvin or Keden will come in
> with a bit of hair pulled out or a drop of blood on the ear or nose.
> They're not biting yet.
> The youngest, Suki, is diabetic, I think I mentioned that before. We have
> to inject her with insulin twice a day at meal times. It keeps her sugar
> level normal. She has now bonded with me as Calvin has bonded with my
> wife.
> Her mother, Kita, the eldest female, is the most popular cat in the
> immediate vicinity, even tempered and sociable without being naive about
> new people. She often visits at the neighbour's in the morning.
> As I am retiring (but not shy about it) on Wednesday, I'll have more time
> to spend opening and closing doors ;-)
Congrats Michel. I assume you aren't leaving RFC, so I'm not going to
get chocked up, but I still would like to recognize your milestone.
Hope your retired life includes more happy, and less stress.