In article >,
phaeton > wrote:
> Arri London wrote:
> >
> > Michael Siemon wrote:
> >> In article >,
> >> (Denise in NH) wrote:
> >>
> >>> My recipe for fried rice is quick and easy. I julienne some cabbage,
> >>> leeks, green onions, carrots, and pea pods in a little olive oil in a
> >>> wok on high, stir them around a bit, then add day old Jasmine rice,
> >>> some 5-spice powder and hoisin sauce to taste. A couple of days ago I
> >>> diced up the leftover pork chops and tossed them with ah-so sauce and
> >>> stored in fridge, last night they were tossed into the fried rice. If I
> >>> had sprouts in the house they would go in too.
> >>>
> >>> Denise
> >> Olive oil? Please use peanut oil instead.
> >
> >
> > It seems to be fashionable to use olive oil in Asian recipes these days.
> > Have seen several TV cooks mix olive oil and soy sauce among other
> > things.
> I'm not a doctor, but isn't there some differences in flash points
> between olive and peanut oils, or at least the 'tipping point' of
> temperature when the oil burns and "theoretically becomes a carcinogen"?
> -J
Yes. Peanut oil is one of the best for the very high temperatures in
stir fries. Highly refined olive oil is OK, in that respect and doesn't
have much in the way of an "olive" taste -- but the notion (seen all the
time on Food TV) of using extra virgin olive oil for frying is just nuts.