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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Bringing spaghetti to a school dinner

On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 09:51:14 -0700, Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:

> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 21:30:13 -0500, Omelet wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>> blake murphy > wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 20:43:12 -0500, Omelet wrote:
>>>>>In article >,
>>>>> Michel Boucher > wrote:
>>>>>>>So are you saying lazy-useless-parasites should decide the fate of
>>>>>>>those who not only have dreams, but follow through on them?
>>>>>>No, I'm saying those who have dreams should follow them but not insist
>>>>>>others do the same.
>>>>>But you insist that they support the lazy and unambitious?
>>>>>Especially when they tend to breed like flies?
>>>>you'd rather they die like flies instead?
>>>What do you get when you feed starving people?
>>>More starving people.
>>>People should not breed what they cannot afford to support.
>>>It's not fair to the rest of us that breed responsibly...
>>>Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I'm seriously in to personal

>> just about no one got where they are purely as a result of their own
>> personal efforts. when growing up, you went to school that someone else
>> paid for. your got to school on roads that someone else paid for. you are
>> protected by a police force that somebody else paid for. etc., etc.
>> the idea that everyone is solely responsible for their own success or
>> failure is a false one, and some need more help than others.
>> your pal,
>> blake

> So, therefore, count thyself happy when thou understandest all these
> Things, being one of those Beings (or By-comings) whom we call
> Philosophers. All is a never ending Play of Love wherein our Lady Nuit
> and Her Lord Hadit rejoice; and every Part of the Play is Play. All pain
> is but sharp Sauce to the Dish of Pleasure; for it is the Nature of the
> Universe that hath devised this everlasting Banquet of Joy. And he that
> knoweth not this is necessary as an Ingredient even as thou art; wouldst
> thou change all and spoil the Dish? Art thou the Master-Cook? Yea, for
> thy Palate is become fine with thy great Dalliance with the Food of
> Experience; therefore thou art one of them that rejoice. Also it is thy
> Nature as it is mine, to will that all Men share our Mirth and Jollity;
> wherefore have I proclaimed my Law to Man, and thou continuest in that
> Work of Joyaunce.

where are you cribbing this neo-pagan bullshit from? the faux-archaic
diction is a dead giveaway.

your pal,