Sqwertz wrote:
> Now this is a great example of customer service at it's best:
> Have the customer take 10 minutes to fill out a form and where they
> can be reached at, then don't let them complete the form since
> there's no "Submit" button:
> http://i42.tinypic.com/o9eq1v.jpg
> I'm having deja vu. I think I tried this a few months ago and ran
> into the same problem. It may or may not have been Popeye's.
> (And yes, I tried it in IE and Seamonkey - see that IE icon right
> next to the URL?)
> Anyway - the moral of the story is, DON'T EAT AT POPEYE'S. The
> chicken has shrunk. There's no way I'd pay $8 again for a 10/pc
> chicken when each piece is all bone and no meat.
I used to work for the office of a woman who owns around 10 local (SF
Bay Area) Popeye's restaurant franchises, and I got to read all the
customer complaints. I would never eat there after that. (To be fair,
I'd probably feel the same way about any restaurant after reading all
their customer complaints.) Too many cases of sour/off food for my
liking. They couldn't ALL have been making it up.
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