On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:24:12 -0700, koko > shouted
from the highest rooftop:
>On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 16:38:09 +1200, bob >
>>On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 19:29:32 -0700, koko > shouted
>>from the highest rooftop:
>>>I saw this recipe in this month's issue of bon appetit and had to try
>>>Assembled ingredients for the sambal.
>>Two questions:
>>1. The shrimp we get in NZ are very small, but the prawns are big and
>>juicy and easy to find. Do you think it would be OK to substitute
>>prawns for shrimp in this recipe?
>Personally I think they would be better. The shrimp I used were 31-40,
>that was all I had on hand but I'd like to use larger ones next time.
>Just be sure and cover them well in the marinade.
Many thanks. That's exactly what I needed to know.
>>2. We love garlic prawns and chili prawns. How would you say this dish
>>compares with chili prawns on the heat scale? Would the sambal
>>complement or overpower the taste of the prawns (I've only tried the
>>store bought sambal in little jars).
>One nice thing about making your own sambal is that you have control
>of the heat factor. In the recipe it states to taste the sambal while
>you are processing it in the food processor and adding more chiles as
>you like.
>I don't think it overpowers the shrimp or prawns you might use. I find
>it a complimentary combination. I grilled the shimp with the shells on
>which left the shrimp nice and juicy. The sambal can be used as a
>dipping sauce on the side if you like.
>I'm not familiar with chili prawns could you please supply me with a
>recipe so I can make the comparison.
>Hope that helps.
Thanks. That helps heaps and I look forward to giving it a try.
There are several variations, like Sweet Thai CP, Sweet & Sour CP,
Garlic/Chili prawns and so on. But the following recipe is for plain,
simple chili prawns - made with raw prawns (aka green prawns) cooked
in the shell and served with white rice & soy sauce. You can also
serve it with noodles or a crusty bread.
We also serve with finger bowls and bowls for the prawn shells.
We prefer the prawns on their own, no dipping sauce, etc, but you
might want some soy sauce for the rice.
My recipe. Serves 4 hungry prawn lovers.
- Around 500g of unpeeled green prawns (or 10-12 each)
- 2tbsp of oil (Canola, Peanut or, if you want that flavour, Olive)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 2 index finger sized red chilies - de-seeded with membrane removed
(wash you hands before touching your face or anywhere near your
We don't add salt, but you can salt to taste
I chop the chili finely, but the garlic less so.
Heat the oil and add the chili and garlic. Saute until they sweat, but
not until they brown.
Add the prawns, keep turning and remove when then turn pink.
Drain and eat.
Here are a few more recipes that I hope to try. They're more
complicated but they look interesting:
Chinese Chili Prawns:
Chili Prawns:
Singapore Chili Prawns (probably quite hot):
Sweet & Sour Chili Prawns:
Sweet Thai Chili Prawns:
una cerveza mas por favor ...
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