Want to be friends
Ophelia wrote:
> bob wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:00:56 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>> shouted from the highest rooftop:
>>> Bob Muncie wrote:
>>>> I know better then that anyways. If I were to show you mine, you'd
>>>> have pointed and laughed, then ran away without showing me yours :-)
>>> But, but, but she hasn't got one!
>> Looking back a fair few years, I can't remember that being a problem
>> when we played "doctor" as kids.
> <G>
I like playing games. I've just old enough to have ones that are more fun.
As to the "she doesn't have one" question... You got me there, so I'll
be more precise (or not) by adding the word "bits" at the end of show me
;-) That's non-gender specific, and still gets the point across.