blake murphy wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 22:43:50 -0700, RWW wrote:
>> On 6/15/09 11:58 AM, in article , "Mr. Joseph
>> Littleshoes Esq." > wrote:
>>>> "RWW" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> I'd love to try a meal of her's.
>>>>> Unfortunately, she has hunkered down in the People's Republic
>>>>> of Berkeley. I don't drive within 40 miles of that cesspool
>>>>> on general principals.
>>> Pity, she makes a great bouillabaisse. Builds a fire on the patio
>>> and, so im told, is not above slipping a bit of charcoal form the
>>> wood fire under her cauldron into the stew.
>>> --
>>> Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
>> Bully!!! I'll eat anything that Alice boils or toils on her
>> cauldron.
>> I just won't venture into Berkeley. Similar to people who
>> wouldn't do business in South Africa.
>> Lovely place, and all, but it's a matter of human rights
>> that they are not to be dealt with.
>> Berkeley ranks below Cuba in:
>> a) Devotion to human rights
>> b) Tolerance of opinion
>> c) Tourism potential
> oooh, scary!! i bet they throw right-wingers in jail and torture
> them!!! no lawyers for you, bucko!!!
No, but all visitors have to endure dirty hippys and "street people" aka
homeless panhandlers. Plus all those nutty "resolutions" passed by the city
council, etc. Yeah, if there's ever a nuklear war I know Berkeley won't
suffer any "fallout" because it's a "nuclear-free" zone, lol...
Silly ****in' leftists, they live in a dream world...
It'd be fun to go visit there, wearing my Ronald Reagan "Air Force One"