What do you make when you don't have time?
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What do you make when you don't have time?
Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 20:43:28 -0700, Serene Vannoy
>> > wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> When my mouth was all burned up from radiation and I couldn't taste
>>>> anything because my taste buds had been nuked, I ate that Easy mac
>>>> and cheese that you made in the microwave. It was easy to swallow
>>>> and gave me some protein, fat and carbs.
>>>> Now that I can taste food, I wouldn't touch it.
>>>> If I need to make something fast, I make some kind of omelet or
>>>> fritata.
>>> Oh, yes, eggs are another quick and easy food. We often have eggs
>>> and toast or eggs and shredded wheat when no one feels like cooking.
>>> Serene
>> Eggs require cooking on a stove, and making dishes dirty.
> A small non-stick pan takes two seconds to clean, and you can use
> paper plates. Still, I thought the OP was asking about making things
> quickly, not necessarily dish-free.
>> Fast means
>> using paper plates, plastic silverware and a microwave. I have never
>> found a way to make eggs in a microwave.
> I don't own a microwave.
>> One of my fast meals is powdered instant mashed potatoes in a paper
>> bowl in MW. Add water, heat for 2 minutes, then dump a can of cream
>> of mushroom soup on top. Or a can of tuna or whatever else comes in
>> a can.
> Wow. You can have my share of that.
lol and mine
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