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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default What do you make when you don't have time?

Ms P wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 20:43:28 -0700, Serene Vannoy
>> > wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> When my mouth was all burned up from radiation and I couldn't taste
>>>> anything because my taste buds had been nuked, I ate that Easy mac and
>>>> cheese that you made in the microwave. It was easy to swallow and gave
>>>> me some protein, fat and carbs.
>>>> Now that I can taste food, I wouldn't touch it.
>>>> If I need to make something fast, I make some kind of omelet or
>>>> fritata.
>>> Oh, yes, eggs are another quick and easy food. We often have eggs and
>>> toast or eggs and shredded wheat when no one feels like cooking.
>>> Serene

>> Eggs require cooking on a stove, and making dishes dirty. Fast means
>> using paper plates, plastic silverware and a microwave. I have never
>> found a way to make eggs in a microwave.
>> One of my fast meals is powdered instant mashed potatoes in a paper
>> bowl in MW. Add water, heat for 2 minutes, then dump a can of cream
>> of mushroom soup on top. Or a can of tuna or whatever else comes in a
>> can.
>> I think th OP works for Kraft !!!!

> My hubby makes an egg dish in the microwave. He uses a real plate
> though. Make a couple of pieces of toast and cut out the middle. Spray
> the plate with Pam. Put the toast on the plate and break and egg into
> the hole. Mix it up with a fork and add torn up ham and cheese if you
> want. I think he microwaves it for about a minute. Dump picante sauce
> over it and eat with the toast middles.
> Ms P


Ms P -

I do those on mornings where I'm not starving and don't have a need for
meat :-)

They call those "toad in the holes", I do however normally do those in a
small skillet. For the microwave, I have a two egg poacher. 1:30 mi @
50% cooks the eggs. They are shaped for an english muffin. I few pieces
of cheese, toast the muffins while cooking the eggs, and walla, McD's
egg & cheese muffins in about two minutes.

The "toad in the hole" are better as you can leave the egg nice and
dunkable, whereas the nuked "poached eggs" needed the yolk punctured to
prevent explosion.

