Peter Dy wrote:
> "Dan Logcher" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Roy Basan wrote:
>>>Dan Logcher > wrote in message
> >...
>>>>Many Asians are too. My wife can't stand the smell, as with me.
>>>>My brother in law, who is Armenian, likes a Durian shake. Yags!!!!
>>>I like durian too....
>>>When I first seen ,smelled and tasted ,it stinks....
>>>But after second,third, fourth sensory experience I learned to
>>>appreciate its exotic taste...
>>>Looking at from the point of chemistry
>>>What is responsible for that smell is the two smelly compounds indole
>>>and skatole that smells like fecal matter and is really present in
>>>animal waste products including human excreta.
>>>But this substances when in diluted quantities have a floral
>>>characteristics and becomes pleasant and sweet in greater dilutions.
>>>That is why this two substances are used in food flavor
>>If it's supposed to have a floral scent than why does it smell
>>like shit to me? Actually, it smelled like pepto bismo, but
>>that's still kind of shitty.
> No fair! I wish my shit smelled like Durian. Oh well...
Maybe it does, depending on how much you eat/drink.. To be
honest, I've only smelled it twice from the same place. But smell
being one of the most potent memory retrieving sense, it reminds
me of stink.