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wait and see wait and see is offline
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Posts: 5
Default Congestion and police apathy reduce a main trunk road intoHarrogate to 2.1mph.

On 17 June, 17:36, Mike > wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 16:56:37 +0100, GOM > wrote:
> >In article >, Mike says...

> >> Single carriageway A661 Wetherby Road, Geest artic broken down on the
> >> inbound side.

> >> Traffic takes an hour to cover the distance from the A658 bypass to
> >> the roundabout on the A59

> >> Two police cars slowly crawl pass the scene, without any blue lights
> >> lit and do...

> >> A B S O L U T E L Y * F U C K * A L L

> >> ...resulting in the traffic coming out of town stopping just about
> >> anyone from getting in (yes I know they must be desperate to visit
> >> this ******** of a town)

> >What were they supposed to do?

> The visitors could go somewhere else, Basra or the Gaza Strip being
> much more attractive and with much more rapid traffic flow.
> Or perhaps the North Yorkshire Police could arrange rapid recovery of
> the vehicle (apparently it's STILL there over six hours later) so as
> to restore two way traffic, or direct traffic around the obstruction
> taking regard of the near one way traffic flow on a set of lights
> close to the obstruction where even someone as dense as George Osborne
> MP would appreciate were cycling through multiple sequences for a
> traffic flow of nearly zero vehicles on the inbound direction and near
> normal flow in the other.
> Beyond the obstruction normal traffic flows inbound were resumed.
> North Yorkshire Police, as proved by the two Panda bound ****wits who
> crawled by the scene, are beyond any doubt a bunch of CRETINS.
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Police men being cretins..
I hardly think that would be true.
They were probably following strict procedure learnt in years of
extensive training!
To a mere impatient layman bystander, like yourself, this may have
been seen as dordelling.
But I am sure our heroes in blue sorted this out as fast and SAFELY as
There job is hard enough without a bunch of impatient horn tooting
morons making uninformed and stupid glib remarks.
Please think in future.