"That's not what I ordered"
On Jun 17, 2:56*pm, ChattyCathy But
> I've never had a server refuse to acknowledge that they'd screwed up my
> order and then also refuse to rectify the situation.
> Maybe I'm just lucky.
Well, *I* have. She brought 2 out of 4 wrong drinks, and when told
by one of us , "I ordered a coke" , she flatly stated "No, you
didn't". No offer to recitfy either. Knowing that the meal was still
to be served (and spat on?) we let it go. When she dropped the basket
of bread - well, the tip automatically got cut in half. I wanted to
write the resto, but never did. Should have. I bet she's not there
anymore. And this was in a high end estab. where the tips would be
good and she shud've watched her mouth. It sort of put the damper on
an otherwise wonderful evening.