It's Surgery Time!!!
"Dave Bugg" > wrote in
> jay wrote:
> LOL!!! Such cleverness has rarely been seen. Thanks for demonstrating why
> kids should stay in school and get an education.
>> ahahahaha
> Watssa matter? Got a hairball? Keep coughing, it'll eventually come up.
You're arguing with one of the incarnations of "greg 'the moron' morrow".
Peter Lucas
"As viscous as motor oil swirled in a swamp, redolent of burnt bell peppers
nested in by incontinent mice and a finish reminiscent of the dregs of a
stale can of Coca-Cola that someone has been using as an ashtray. Not a bad
drink, though."
Excerpt from "The Moose Turd Wine Tasting" by T. A. Nonymous