Steam My Brains Out
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 02:15:58 -0700 (PDT), Tommy Joe
> wrote:
> I have a question that seems stupid. But my belief is that there
>is no such thing as a stupid question. So here it is. I've been
>buying those over-priced microwave steamer bags since they came out,
>mainly, almost exclusively, for steaming chicken. Now when I go to
>the stores I see the large size is hard to find, all they have is
>medium. A stocker at one store told me they're getting ready to stop
>selling them. I had a feeling that might happen because I always
>thought they were over-priced anyway. Usually I steam 3 half breasts
>at a time. Can't I do that in a regular plastic container like the
>one I put the steamed chicken into after it comes out of the bag? How
>about if I buy 3 cheap ones in a set at WalMart, then poke little
>holes in the lid to let the steam out? I'd appreciate some answers on
>this before I blow my brains out and leave them steaming on the
>Tommy Joe
Some plastics are only made for storage and not for cooking.
There was a study up here that found that the cheap plastic containers
are only for storage and not even acceptable for re-heating foods.
These release toxins that can leach into the food when used in the
microwave. I'd advise against it.