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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Steam My Brains Out

Tommy Joe wrote:
> I have a question that seems stupid. But my belief is that there
> is no such thing as a stupid question. So here it is. I've been
> buying those over-priced microwave steamer bags since they came out,
> mainly, almost exclusively, for steaming chicken. Now when I go to
> the stores I see the large size is hard to find, all they have is
> medium. A stocker at one store told me they're getting ready to stop
> selling them. I had a feeling that might happen because I always
> thought they were over-priced anyway. Usually I steam 3 half breasts
> at a time. Can't I do that in a regular plastic container like the
> one I put the steamed chicken into after it comes out of the bag? How
> about if I buy 3 cheap ones in a set at WalMart, then poke little
> holes in the lid to let the steam out? I'd appreciate some answers on
> this before I blow my brains out and leave them steaming on the
> pavement.
> Tommy Joe

Perhaps an option would be to get a dedicated steamer for the microwave
oven? As was mentioned already, many plastic containers are not
appropriate to use to heat/cook foods in the microwave oven because
toxins can leach into the foods. Those cheap plastic containers are
definitely not recommended for microwave use for this very reason! If
you steam often, then "investing" in a microwave steamer from a
reputable company (e.g., Corning, Anchor, etc.) might be a good option.

Sky, who does not use the MW oven for cooking

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