It's Surgery Time!!!
blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 11:11:26 -0700, Dave Bugg wrote:
>> jay wrote:
>>> On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 17:32:47 -0700, Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> It is amazing that ANYONE sound of mind(??)would post their medical
>>> history or problems on usenet for comments and advice.
>> Where did I ask for advice? I didn't. I was sharing with folks I
>> knew what was going on.
>>> I mean do you
>>> really want SF, Omlets, Murphy and the other RFC "professionals"
>>> advice on your medical issues? Why don't you just go the drive in
>>> window at Jack-in-the-Box? They could at least throw in an order of
>>> tacos.
>> Again, where did I ask for advice?
> ... and i don't recall offering any advice. if i had, it would have
> been to have a cocktail before you go to the hospital. the service
> is lousy there.
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan