Steam My Brains Out
sueb wrote:
> Just put the chicken breasts on a plate, made out of china, or glass,
> or plastic, or paper, then cover with plastic wrap or waxed paper, and
> cook them in the microwave.
> You don't need a special device. This also works for pieces of fish.
> Susan B.
Thanks to all who responded, even those who sounded vehemently anti-
microwave. I like your suggestion best, Susan (but the others are not
ignored), because I have in fact cooked things that way in the micro,
but instead of wax paper or plastic I use paper towels. Wouldn't that
work here too? Also, for those who think steamed chicken from the
microwave has a rubbery texture, I won't deny it, but I don't make
them to be eaten whole. I put them in the fridge. When they're cold
they slice really nice, just like they came out of the oven, and I
then toss the pieces into other things I'm making. Anyway, thanks to
all, and once again, Susan, how do you feel about the paper towels
instead of wax paper or plastic?
Tommy Joe (I was getting sick of those bags anyway)