Thread: Giusi
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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default Giusi

Janet Baraclough wrote:
> Plus, of course, the far more revealing retraction and statement he
> provided privately.

And I told you at that time not to count your chickens As he pointed out,
he didn't know you from Adam so hardly a resounding recommendation. As for
using the statement he provided privately, I won't publish what he told me
privately after your boasting.

You are very fond of using the archive against other people and for someone
who does not allow her posts to be achived, this is rather disengenous of

Now, I mentioned to the people here that I couldn't handle nastiness and it
made me feel sick. This is exactly right. You are the person, along with
her crony that caused much unpleasantness over a number of years to me and
many others. I don't have the slightest doubt, that you are trying to begin
another 'war' Well you won't use me for that.

You will not draw me in again!!!

I am now finished with you and with this thread.