It's Surgery Time!!!
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:41:19 -0700, sf > wrote:
>On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:55:34 -0500, Omelet >
>>In article >,
>> blake murphy > wrote:
>> Chiropractors:
>>> if the stuff they did was sound, they wouldn't be scorned by conventional
>>> medicine.
>>Who says they are scorned by conventional medicine?
>From what I hear, they've gone mainstream. They aren't the quacks
>selling vitamins that I remember my grandparents going to.
>>There is a wide acceptance of them around here. Even my Ortho' surgeon
>>that I consulted recommended this particular clinic. Dr. Stamps has a
>>wide reputation around here and almost more business than he can handle
>>because he's so good.
>>You need to update your opinion and information.
>>And if you'd bothered to follow that link I provided, you'd see his site
>>offers a reference for the information posted there.
>>Chiropractic has come a LONG way in recent years!
>My HMO has approved chiropractors, acupuncturists and podiatrists
>now... not necessarily "on staff", we co-pay at their office and get
>the service.
Problem is that they don't know their own limitations.
If you consult with one (or any of them, from my recollection) you get
a treatment of bone cracking that can last for months -and that's
several times a week. I always noticed that after the first week or
so, benefits started to decrease rapidly.
And if you're in an auto accident - expect to be given the fully monty
as to chiropractic care - they love insurance claims -and you'll get
every test he/she can throw at you and months of treatmemts no matter
what your condition is.
Veterans and some health care plans will cover them but only on a very
limited basis.
I personally would only use for very short-term treatments. I doubt
if getting your joints/bones cracked/adjusted three times a weeks for
three months can be very beneficial.