On Jun 16, 1:44*pm, "Marilyn" >
> "gloria.p" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Mimi wrote:
> >> I scored two Kerr half-pints at a charity shop this morning on my way
> >> to work.
> >> (I was only a few minutes late to work)
> >> : - )
> >> They weren't a nickel--25¢ each. *Hmmm...let's see 25¢ x 12 = $3
> >> That's not too bad.
> > Darn right. *I just found a case of a dozen 12 oz. jars (Ball, I think)
> > at a local Kroger (King Soopers the in Denver area) for (hold onto your
> > hat) *$10.97, IIRC. *I thought twice (or maybe four times) before I picked
> > them up, but 12 oz is a size I rarely see and they are so convenient when
> > I'm making multiple batches of jam. *The price was
> > obscene, but what are the alternatives?
> > gloria p
> Yikes. *When I was starting out, I bought lots and lots of my canning jars
> at thrift stores where I paid 10 to 25 cents a piece. *I think the last jars
> I bought were Golden Harvest. *I have a few 12-ounce ones, but not many.. *I
> think I've seen them at Ace Hardware before.
> On the same note, I just got email from my church group that they got a hold
> of cases of jar lids (didn't say how much they actually got) but they're
> selling them to us for 65 cents a box for regular, 97 cents a box for
> wide-mouth. *And yes, these are Ball lids still in their boxes in cases from
> the factory, not the ones that are packaged in sleeves. *I'm going to buy 10
> boxes of each. *I still have a little stockpile as I buy them here and there
> throughout the year, but I couldn't pass this up.
If you have a Free Cycle in your area you should put an ad in it for
free canning jars.
picked up about 250 assorted jars (50% still full from the 1970's) for
the price
of a pint of mixed fruit jam (my gift really). There are so many
people who still
throw them out. Many people where I live in So. Calif. don't know that
still uses them. And you do know that Golden Harvest is just a Ball
jar with
another name. Each one is a tad bigger - the pint is 1/2 liter, and
the larger of
the two - what used to be a quart is really a liter. Some folks have a
fit and
wonder why they can't, in some caners, make them fit. I have not had
problem because all my jars are mixed together.
Jim in So. Calif.