"That's not what I ordered"
"blake murphy" > wrote in message
. ..
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 18:37:42 +0100, Janet Baraclough wrote:
>> The message >
>> from blake murphy > contains these words:
>>> On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 12:06:47 -0700 (PDT), aem wrote:
>>>> The problem is not how to get what you ordered, polite insistence
>>>> would accomplish that. No, the problem is how to get it ungarnished
>>>> with server spit. I don't think there's a sure answer to that, so
>>>> just leave, letting the manager know why on your way out. -aem
>>> i still think this is *much* rarer than some people believe.
>> I wish. Have you ever worked in a commercial kitchen?
>> Janet.
> i worked in a pizza place in high school. we concentrated on doing the
> work and getting the **** out of there.
Precisely. Although, the kind of people Janet hangs out with may be