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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Today's Dead Spread

Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> George Shirley >
> news >
>> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>>> George Shirley > news:4yM_l.13020$Xl4.12226
>>> in
>>>> We live in a fairly affluent area Michael, some of these old biddies
>>>> have tons of money and investments left to them by the husbands they
>>>> wore out early on. They would make a good catch for someone but I
>>>> would bet they all want a pre-nup before the wedding.
>>> As you know my aunt is a Baton Rouge belle. She's in her early 70s.
>>> My uncle is still living. If he were to die (and I hope he never
>>> does because he's a riot), she would be one of the rich old biddies
>>> you speak of. She cracks me up. Whenever Steven and I visit she
>>> always throws a big party. She introduces us in the old fashioned
>>> way, "This is my nephew Michael and his partner Steven. They are
>>> visiting us from St. Louis". She intentionally leaves out the "life"
>>> part out of partner. I remember someone asked her what business
>>> Steven and I are in and her response was something like, "Why darling
>>> they are not commercially involved. They're just a bit eccentric".
>>> Eccentric meaning *** Gotta love those southerners.
>>> Michael

>> If you lived in Baton Rouge she would probably hide you in her attic
>> along with the other "eccentric" relatives. That, too, is a southern
>> habit.

> I doubt it. She would be more inclined to sit us, and the other
> eccentrics, in the living room as display pieces.
> Michael

She's a keeper then.