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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default How Many Food Rules Do You Break?

Pete C. wrote:
> Bob Muncie wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> ChattyCathy > wrote:
>>>> I've always used a separate cutting board for raw meat, didn't have to
>>>> read any rules to figure that one out.
>>> I just wash it well between uses.
>>> I will most often cut the meat up last when prepping a recipe, but
>>> that's generally because the meat goes in last!
>>> Made a pan of hash for dad this morning and cut up the onions first as
>>> they had the longest cooking time, then the potato. I scrubbed off the
>>> board then cut up the meat. The meat was pre-cooked tho' so that might
>>> not count...

>> I use a poly material flat mat that you just lay down on the counter to
>> cut/slice every thing. Wash & dry like a regular dish.
>> Bob

> Yes, I'm a big fan of the thin flexible cutting boards too. You can fold
> or roll them into chutes or funnels as needed.

Thanks Pete. I probably should have mentioned that as an advantage also.
After cutting the veggies or whatever, just pick up the mat, and
twist the sides up to direct the ingredients straight into the pan or pot.
