New Use For Paper Coffee Filters
Mark Thorson wrote:
> I once flushed a live gopher down the toilet.
> It barely fit. But fit it did, thank Xenu.
> The cats woke me up in the middle of the night
> with something they were very excited about.
> In my half-awake daze, my foot encountered
> some object in the bed, and when I tried to
> identify it by feel, it bit me. It felt like
> a stapler had been driven into my foot.
> That got me into action. I turned the lights
> on, saw the gopher, and somehow manuevered it
> onto my broom. I took it into the bathroom
> and dumped it into the toilet and flushed.
> It was relatively undamaged by the cats.
> In the toilet, it tried to swim against the
> current (or so it seemed -- I'm not sure
> gophers can swim -- it may have been trying
> to crawl underwater), but to no avail. I may
> have had to flush a couple of times.
> That was the first and last delivery of a
> gopher to my bed by room service. I guess
> they were disappointed that I didn't play
> with it or eat it. After that, they always
> kept the gophers for themselves. The cat
> version of foodies, and I was unappreciative
> of their efforts.
Interesting tale. I hope the little critter got delivered out into the
sewer system in one piece. Maybe he's there still. That would be nice
cause they're so cute. Remember Caddyshack? That's pretty much all I
know about gophers. How do you think one of your smaller cats would fare
in flushability?
I'll add "gopher" under the "flushable" column. I will also take the
liberty of adding "rat" to the same. My father has had rats coming up in
his bedroom through the toilet. It's true! That thought just gives me
the creeps.