Richard Simmons...
Dale P wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> m...
>> He's on the teevee (Fox Snooze) right now talking about health
>> issues, specifically becoming the nation's "fat czar"...
>> He looks like Bette Davis playing Queen Elizabeth I...wig courtesy of
>> Krusty
>> the Klown...all ensconced in a black glitter tank top.
>> Holy God...!!!
>> <chuckle>
>> --
>> Best
>> Greg
> You have got to love him. He took nothing and made it into a career.
> We should all be so lucky!!
Very true, ya gotta admire the guy for that...but he *seriously* needs to
get some new togs for those interview shows, the 80's aerobic clothes thing
is kinda "over".