(2009-06-16) NS-RFC: Enough to put me off my food...
On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 12:40:00 -0700, The Ranger wrote:
> sf > wrote in message
> ...
> [snip]
>>>> I never would have accepted the invite to lunch with
>>>> someone with a rugrat.
>>>It would never have been tendered so you're safe.
>> What bologna. He's a devoted grandfather, so it's
>> hard to believe that he's never been out to lunch with
>> his own grandchildren.
> This wasn't his kin inviting him to a luncheon. It was a someone's cow orker
> with her toddler in tow.
> You really need to follow along with threads or attempt better
> comprehension.
> The Ranger
he didn't qualify 'rugrat' in any way. i wouldn't be so eager to criticize
others' comprehension.