How Many Food Rules Do You Break?
On Jun 19, 9:39*pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> Sheldon wrote:
> > Everyone who eats gets food poisoning several times a year.
> I think you mean that everyone who eats at YOUR house gets food poisoning
> several times a year. I've had food poisoning once in my life, eating a
> company-provided buffet in England. I've never had food poisoning
> elsewhere -- though I *did* get hepatitis A from raw seafood at a seafood
> festival in Oregon.
> Bob
I think Sheldon is exagerating a bit but apparently very mild food
poisoning is often (self) diagnosed as a minor touch of the flu so,
apparently, it is quite easy to have food poisoning and not know it.
OTOH my father had a case that hosptialized him for something like 6
John Kane Kingston ON Canada